Are you eligible for the Home Energy Emergency Assistance Scheme?
The Home Energy Emergency Assistance (HEEAS) scheme is a safety net for eligible low-income households in Queensland.
How can the HEEAS help you?
If your household has faced a financial crisis within the past 12 months, we are here to help. However, if your income and savings are sufficient to cover the bill, especially through an installment plan, we typically cannot provide support. We're here to guide you.
Who is eligible?
Reside at your primary household
are financially responsible for the payment of the bill; and
are at risk of being disconnected and are unable to pay your debt
hold a current concession card, or you’re on a Metered Energy payment plan. You might also be eligible if your base income is no more than the equivalent to the Commonwealth maximum income rate for part age pensioners.
a significant increase in energy use because of unforeseen circumstances;
a significant decrease in income, or higher expenses you haven’t been able to avoid;
a natural or family disaster, where it’s impossible to absorb the resulting expenses;
the cost of keeping your hourshold is more than 30% of the household income, or the cost of energy usage is more than 10% of the household income.
How to apply
Other financial support options
If you’re experiencing family and domestic violence, we're here to assist.
Metered Energy is committed to supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of its employees and customers and does not tolerate family and domestic violence. When in this situation, your safety, wellbeing and dignity are often, if not always, under threat or undermined by the use of physical or mental violence.
We recommended that our customers speak with one of our experienced customer service officers as Metered Energy offers numerous payment plans and financial guidance. Contact our team on 1300 633 637. Or click here to Request a Payment Extension and we will review your request and respond within 24 hours, during normal business hours, Monday to Friday.
Are you a holder of a Pensioner Concession Card, Repatriation Health Card, or Senior’s Card?
You might be eligible for an concession or rebate to help you mange your energy account. We understand that managing energy costs can be a significant concern, and we are here to help. To support you, we have detailed the available concessions and rebates that could substantially reduce your electricity bills. Eligibility varies, and we encourage you to explore the options available to you.